Thoughtful attention to the attorney-client privilege, the work product doctrine, and other privileges and protections is critical to an organization. The risks of losing confidential documents can be high if privilege is not considered with appropriate diligence. Many organizations do not consider these risks until a privilege log is required or an allegation that privilege has been waived is made. Redgrave attorneys assist clients with developing strategies and protocols to help ensure, as a matter of routine, that privileged communications remain properly protected – before the need becomes pressing and an expensive privilege log is necessary. In litigation, Redgrave attorneys and business and technical advisors assist with preparing protective orders that maximize the protections for privilege and minimize the burden of privilege logging, advise on ways to leverage technology to screen for privilege, review potentially privileged documents and prepare defensible privilege logs, and assess an adversary’s log for completeness and compliance with the rules. In addition, Redgrave attorneys assist with briefing on matters relating to privilege and serve as special masters to assist parties and courts in addressing such questions.
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